Wednesday, February 13, 2013

State of Kuwait

Emir: Sheik Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jabir al-Sabah (2006)
Prime Minister: Sheikh Jabir al-Mubarak al-Hamad al-Sabah (2011)
Total area: 6,880 sq mi (17,819 sq km)
Population (2012 est.): 2,646,314 (growth rate: 1.883%); birth rate: 20.96/1000; infant mortality rate: 7.87/1000; life expectancy: 77.28
Capital (2009 est.): Kuwait, 2.23 million
Monetary unit: Kuwaiti dinar (KD)
National name: Dawlat al-Kuwayt

Current government officials

Languages: Arabic (official), English
Ethnicity/race: Kuwaiti 45%, other Arab 35%, South Asian 9%, Iranian 4%, other 7%
Religions: Islam 85% (Sunni 70%, Shiite 30%); Christian, Hindu, Parsi, and other 15%
National Holiday: National Day, February 25
Literacy rate: 93.3% (2005 census)
Economic summary: GDP/PPP(2011 est.): $155.5 billion; per capita $42,200. 
Real growth rate: 8.2%.
Inflation: 5.6%. 
Unemployment:2.2% (2004 est.). 
Arable land:0.84%. 
Agriculture: practically no crops; fish. 
Labor force: 2.243 million; note: non-Kuwaitis represent about 60% of the labor force; agriculture n.a., industry n.a., services n.a. 
Industries: petroleum, petrochemicals, cement, shipbuilding and repair, desalination, food processing, construction materials.
Natural resources: petroleum, fish, shrimp, natural gas. 
Exports: $94.47 billion (2011 est.): oil and refined products, fertilizers. 
Imports:$22.41billion (2011 est.): food, construction materials, vehicles and parts, clothing. Major trading partners: Japan, India, South Korea, U.S., Germany, UAE, Saudi Arabia, China (2011).
Telephones: main lines in use: 566,300 (2009); mobile cellular: 4.4 million (2009).
Broadcast media: state-owned TV broadcaster operates 4 networks and a satellite channel; several private TV broadcasters have emerged since 2003; satellite TV is available with pan-Arab TV stations especially popular; state-owned Radio Kuwait broadcasts on a number of channels in Arabic and English; first private radio station emerged in 2005; transmissions of at least 2 international radio broadcasters are available (2007).
Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 2,730 (2010).
Internet users: 1.1 million (2009).
Railways: 0 km.
Highways: total: 5,749 km; paved: 4,887 km; unpaved: 862 km (2004).
Waterways: none. 
Ports and harbors: Ash Shu'aybah, Ash Shuwaykh, Az Zawr (Mina' Sa'ud), Mina' 'Abd Allah, Mina' al Ahmadi.
Airports: 7 (2012).

International disputes: Kuwait and Saudi Arabia continue negotiating a joint maritime boundary with Iran; no maritime boundary exists with Iraq in the Persian Gulf.

Kuwait is situated northeast of Saudi Arabia at the northern end of the Persian Gulf, south of Iraq. It is slightly larger than Hawaii. The low-lying desert land is mainly sandy and barren.

Kuwait is a constitutional monarchy, governed by the al-Sabah family.

Kuwait is believed to have been part of an early civilization in the 3rd millennium B.C. and to have traded with Mesopotamian cities. Archeological and historical traces disappeared around the first millennium B.C. At the beginning of the 18th century, the 'Anizah tribe of central Arabia founded Kuwait City, which became an autonomous sheikdom by 1756. 'Abd Rahim of the al-Sabah became the first sheik, and his descendants continue to rule Kuwait today. In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the sheikdom belonged to the fringes of the Ottoman Empire. Kuwait obtained British protection in 1897 when the sheik feared that the Turks would expand their hold over the area. In 1961, Britain ended the protectorate, giving Kuwait independence, but agreed to give military aid on request. Iraq immediately threatened to occupy the area, and the British sent troops to defend Kuwait. Soon afterward, the Arab League sent in troops, replacing the British. Iraq's claim was dropped when the Arab League recognized Kuwait's independence on July 20, 1961. Historically, Kuwait followed a neutral and mediatory policy among Arab states.

Citizenry Benefits from Oil Wealth
Oil was discovered in Kuwait in the 1930s, and proved to have 20% of the world's known oil resources. Since 1946 it has been the world's second-largest oil exporter. The sheik, who receives half of the profits, devotes most of them to the education, welfare, and modernization of his kingdom. In 1966, Sheik Sabah designated a relative, Jaber al-Ahmad al-Sabah, as his successor. By 1968, the sheikdom had established a model welfare state, and it sought to establish dominance among the sheikdoms and emirates of the Persian Gulf.

Iraq Invades Kuwait
In July 1990, Iraqi president Saddam Hussein blamed Kuwait for falling oil prices. After a failed Arab mediation attempt to solve the dispute peacefully, Iraq invaded Kuwait on Aug. 2, 1990, set up a pro-Iraqi provisional government, and drained Kuwait of its economic resources. A coalition of Arab and Western military forces drove Iraqi troops from Kuwait in a mere four days, from Feb. 23–27, 1991, ending the Persian Gulf War. The emir returned to his country from Saudi Arabia in mid-March. Martial law, in effect since the end of the Gulf War, ended in late June. The U.S. sent 2,400 troops to the country in Aug. 1992, ostensibly as part of a training exercise, though it was widely interpreted as a show of strength to Saddam Hussein. Iraqi “training” maneuvers near the Kuwaiti border in Oct. 1994 renewed fears of aggression in the country. A Kuwaiti appeal brought the quick deployment of U.S. and British troops and equipment.

Women Win Suffrage in Kuwait
In 1999, the emir gave women the right to vote and run for parliament, but later that year Parliament defeated the ruler's decree. Kuwaiti society has grown increasingly conservative under the influence of Islamic fundamentalists. In 2003, traditionalists won a sweeping victory in parliamentary elections. The emir and crown prince (who served as prime minister) were elderly and ailing; in July 2003, the country's de facto leader, foreign minister Sheik Sabah, replaced the crown prince as prime minister.
In May 2005, Kuwait abandoned its 1999 ban on women's suffrage, and in June a woman was appointed to the cabinet. In April 2006, women voted for the first time.
In Jan. 2006, the emir, Sheik Jabir, died. His cousin, Crown Prince Sheik Saad, briefly became the nation's ruler, but he was forced to abdicate because of extreme ill health. The prime minister, Sheik Sabah, was then nominated and unanimously confirmed by Parliament as emir. Sheik Sabah named his brother, Sheik Nawaf, as crown prince, and his nephew, Sheik Nasser, as prime minister.
Prime Minister Sheik Nasser Muhammad al-Ahmad al-Sabah dissolved the opposition-led parliament in March 2008 and called for new elections. In May's parliamentary elections, radical Islamists took more than half of the body's 50 seats. No women were elected to Parliament. Prime Minister Sabah and his cabinet resigned in November in a dispute with Parliament over the visit to Kuwait by a controversial Iranian cleric. The emir reappointed Sabah in December, and he formed a new government in Jan. 2009, composed largely of previous cabinet members.

Women Continue to Make Inroads
In May 2009, three women are elected to parliament, becoming Kuwait's first female MPs. In October, court rulings further expand the rights of women, allowing them to get passports without the approval of their husbands and not requiring women MPs to wear Islamic headscarves.
In March 2011, the cabinet of Prime Minister al-Sabah resigned. Two months later, Emir Sheikh  Sabah approved a new government, which included six new ministers.
In June 2012, the emir accepted the resignation of the government of Prime Minister Sheikh Jabir Mubarak al-Hamad al-Sabah, and on July 5, he reappointed Sheikh Jabir as prime minister. Two weeks later, the cabinet was announced; the only change was Nayef al-Hajraf as finance minister.


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